Now showing items 1-10 of 49
A comprehensive analysis if the HIV & AIDS Legislation, Bills, Policies and Strategies in East African Community
(EAC, 2014-08)
Submitted by Christele Alexandra Diwouta, International consultant.
Reviewed by Amitrajit Saha Senior Policy Adviser, HHD Team
UNDP Regional Service Centre for Africa
EAC development strategy (2016/17 - 2020/21): accelerating a people-centered and market-driven integration
(EAC, 2018-03)
The 5th EAC Development Strategy for the period 2016117-2020/21 outlines the broad strategic development objectives that the Community will pursue during the next five years in line with the Treaty for the Establishment ...
EAC Regional Intellectual Property Policy on the utilisation of public health-related WTO-TRIPS flexibilities and the approximation of national intellectual property legislation
(EAC, 2013-02)
The overall objective of this Policy is to guide the EAC Partner States on how their national intellectual property legislation must be adjusted in order to enable them to fully utilise the Public Health-related WTO-TRIPS ...
EAst African Community Communication Policy and Strategy
(EAC, 2014-05)
This document outlines both the communication policy and the communication strategy for the EAC. On the one hand the EAC Communication Policy aims at providing the necessary guidelines that will inform the overall direction ...
East African Community Child Policy (2016)
(EAC, 2017)
The EAC Treaty (Article 120 (c)) calls upon Partner States to develop and adopt a common approach towards marginalised groups including children. ¬is undertaking is anchored by the EAC’s commitment to the principle of good ...