Now showing items 1-9 of 9
EAST AFRICA SCIENCE: Search, Discover, Develop
(East African Health Research Commission, EAHRC, 2019-04-10)
East Africa Science (EASci): Search, Discover, Develop. The journal publishes scientific research and innovation in health including clinical trials (on investigational medicinal products, devices, and diagnostics), ...
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in East Africa 2021
(EAHRC, 2021)
The East African Health Research Journal: the basis for better policy and practice. Vol. 1, Supplement 1.
(EAHRC, 2017-03-29)
Conference abstracts
The East African Health Research Journal: The basis for better policy and practice. Vol. 3, Issue 1
(EAHRC, 2019-07)
Instituting Sustainable Geriatric Care in Africa: The Roles of Sociocultural Constructs.
Unpacking Loss to Follow-Up Among HIV-Infected Women Initiated on Option B+ In Northern Tanzania: A Retrospective Chart ...