Now showing items 1-4 of 4
EAC development strategy (2016/17 - 2020/21): accelerating a people-centered and market-driven integration
(EAC, 2018-03)
The 5th EAC Development Strategy for the period 2016117-2020/21 outlines the broad strategic development objectives that the Community will pursue during the next five years in line with the Treaty for the Establishment ...
Prevention and Control of Aflatoxin and associated losses during post harvest handling of agricultural commodities in EAC.
(EAC, 2018-04)
Aflatoxins are a set of poisonous substances produced by fungi (molds) that can potentially cause cancer and contribute to stunting and immunosuppression in vulnerable groups. Aflatoxin contamination occurs in major staple ...
Harmful effects of Aflatoxin and its impact on Human Health
(EAC, 2018-04)
The EAC region experiences high temperature and humidity which favors growth of Aflatoxin producing fungi normally found in the soil. Contamination of food crops and food products occurs in all stages of food value chain ...
Controlling the burden of liver disease through integration Hepatitis A and B vaccination into National Immunization programs of the EAC Partner States.
(EAC, 2018-04)
Liver cancer is the leading cause of deaths in world. Chronic hepatitis B causes 80% of liver cancer causes in the EAC region. The combination of Aflatoxin exposure with hepatitis infection especially among people, who are ...