Indigenous knowledge and Baseline Data survey on Fish Breeding areas and seasons in Lake Victoria – Kenya
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Indigenous knowledge and Baseline Data survey on Fish Breeding areas and seasons in Lake Victoria – Kenya Manyala, J. O1., J. Z. Bolo2., S. Onyango2 and P.O. Rambiri2. 1 Moi University, Department of Fisheries, P. O. Box 3900, Eldoret., Corresponding 2 Fisheries Department, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, P. O. Box 1084, Kisumu
Abstract/ Overview
Available baseline data and indigenous knowledge on Lake Victoria fisheries were used to identify potential fish breeding areas and seasons for subsequent scientific verification, demarcation and closure. River mouths, sheltered bays and wetlands featured as the major fish breeding grounds for the majority of the fishes. Two peak rainy seasons of March to August and October to December were found to be the major fish breeding seasons for the different species of fishes of Lake Victoria. The evidence given by the fishers to support the identified breeding areas/seasons particularly from indigenous knowledge include the presence of many fish fry, fingerlings and eggs in the mouths of the fish (mouth-brooders). The size at which fish matures and fecundity was well documented by baseline data. The fisher community has a wealth of knowledge that is useful in the identification of fish breeding (closed) areas and seasons, but the knowledge is clouded by socio-economic considerations. This study has resulted in the gazettement of 98 fish breeding grounds and declaration of breeding seasons between 1st April and 31st. July of each year in the Kenya waters of Lake Victoria vide the Kenya Gazette Notice No. 7565 of 9th. November, 2001.