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Now showing items 1-20 of 49
Applied Research Programme for Lake Victoria Basin
(Bureau for Industrial Cooperation (BICO), 2006)The Lake Victoria basin is a very strategic zone for the socio-economic development of East Africa. Heavy degradation of the environment, pollution of water resources and loss of biodiversity both in terrestrial and ... -
Assessment of the potential of land suitability mapping with environmental overlays and potential usefulness of spatial planning for managing the Lake Victoria basin
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2006)Lake Victoria is Africa‟s largest and the world‟s second largest freshwater lake. It is one of the most important shared natural resource of Eastern Africa. The basin comprises of eleven major river basins and a large ... -
Brief On Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project To The Ministers Of State Vice President’s Office
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2005)Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP) is a comprehensive environmental program for the conservation of Lake Victoria and its basin. It is a regional Project formed under Tripartite Agreement signed on ... -
Characteristics of the Lake Victoria fishery based on frame surveys 2000 and 2002: with recommendations for development and management of the fishery
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2004)Lake Victoria is one of the major economic assets and a symbol of unity among the Partner States of the East African Community (EAC). The Partner States have declared the lake basin and its basin an Economic Zone to be ... -
Characteristics of the Lake Victoria fishery based on frame surveys 2000 and 2002: with recommendations for development and management of the fishery
(LVFO, 2004)Lake Victoria is the second largest freshwater body in the World. The lake has a surface area of 68,800 km2 of which 35,088 km2 (51%) is in Tanzania, Uganda 29,584 km2 (43%) is in Uganda, and 4,128 km2 is in Kenya 6%. It ... -
Community Participation Assessment Report Final Draft
(Department of Community Health University of Nairobi, 2005)The purpose of the assessment was to review community involvement, performance and generate a lessons’ learnt report that would contribute to decision-support mechanisms and inform future interventions. The assessment ... -
Consultancy Service on Economic Development - Natural Resources Intervention and Investment for the Lake Victoria Basin Final Report
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2006)The second phase of the Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP-2) is set to begin in the last quarter of 2007, focusing on socioeconomic development, management and research. In each of the three ... -
The diversity of aquatic birds and their relationship to aquatic ecosystems in the Lake Victoria basin
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2005)Lake Victoria basin harbours a variety of aquatic ecosystems mainly referred to as wetlands. These wetlands range from permanent swamps, open water bodies and river systems. The wetlands being a transition ecosystem between ... -
Economic development: natural resources interventions / investments component
(2007)This study has underscored the imperative obligation especially on the part of the riparian states Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania to develop the abundant natural resources in the LVB and its extensive catchment to realize the ... -
Final regional report on lessons learnt on the institutional framework
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2005)From the 1960s, the Lake Victoria environment and its natural resources have come under severe stress as a result of multiple activities arising from human population in the basin which have resulted in serious environmental ... -
Fisheries research component report on scientific findings July 1997 to June, 2002
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2007)The Fisheries Research Component is being implemented under three sub-components namely Fisheries Biology and Biodiversity Conservation, Socio-economics, Aquaculture and Information and Database. The overall objective of ... -
The impact of natural disasters, due to environmental change, on the livelihood of the Lake Victoria basin
(Department of Meteorology University of Nairobi, 2004)The major forms of disasters include: Droughts, Floods, Terrorism, Landslides, HIV/AIDS and disease epidemics, Transport accidents, Fires/industrial hazards and pollution. There are other extreme outbreaks of diseases, ... -
Integrated Soil and Water Conservation (ISWC) final report on lessons learnt
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2005)Introduction The Lake Victoria Basin represents a good scenario of environmental problems related to human activities on land. Land degradation in the lake basin is of major concern, not only for the healthy of the lake, ... -
Knowledge and experiences gained from managing Lake Victoria ecosystem
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2014)Lake Victoria is considered one of the most important shared natural resource of Eastern Africa. The Lake Basin supports about 30 million people one million of whom are employed formally or informally in fish related ... -
Lesson learnt from land use management through Integrated Soil and Water Conservation (ISWC)
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2005)River Nyando is one of seven major rivers within the Kenyan side of the Lake Victoria Drainage Basin. The other six rivers are Sio, Nzoia, Yala, Mara, Sondu-Miriu and Kuja- Migori. The Nyando and Nzoia rivers have been ... -
Lessons learned on micro-projects
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2005)As part of the effort to take stock of its work in implementing micro projects, consider future direction and envisage action to be undertaken, LVEMP engaged a National Consultant from the Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences ... -
Lessons learnt in capacity building
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2005)Lake Victoria and the overall Lake Basin (LB) is an ecoregion of local, national, regional and global importance. It supports the livelihoods of one third of the populations of the riparian countries and it can be a ... -
Lessons learnt on catchment afforestation component of the Lake Victoria environmental management project
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2005)Lake Victoria is a shared water body by the three riparian countries of Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania. The lake covers a surface area of 68 800 km2 and catchment area of 184 000 km2 and supports approximately 30 million people. ... -
Lessons learnt on community participation final report
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2005)The study was commissioned by Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP) and was conducted from June to July 2005. The main purpose of the study was to generate a comprehensive and analytical report on Lessons ... -
Lessons learnt: water hyacinyh control component
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2005)The Water Hyacinth Control Component (WHCC) is one of the 10 components of LVEMP. The overrall goal of the components‟ focus is to control water hyacinth by reducing the weed to a manageable level. The approach chosen was ...