2. EAC Institutions: Recent submissions
Now showing items 161-180 of 330
Fisheries research component report on scientific findings July 1997 to June, 2002
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2007)The Fisheries Research Component is being implemented under three sub-components namely Fisheries Biology and Biodiversity Conservation, Socio-economics, Aquaculture and Information and Database. The overall objective of ... -
Report on Length, Weight and Sex Survey of Nile Perch (lates Niloticus) In Lake Victoria, Tanzania
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2004)This report presents the length-weight relationship parameters (a and b) for 559 Lates niloticus, size composition, sex, maturity stages, length at first maturity and food examined during February 2004 from four landing ... -
Regional Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis Of The Lake Victoria Basin
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2007)The Regional Transboundary Diagnostic Analysis (RTDA) covers the Lake Victoria Basin in the Republics of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Uganda and the United Republic of Tanzania. The analysis was conducted between June 2006 ... -
Regional Status Report on Lake Victoria Frame Surveys For 2000, 2002 and 2004, Kenya, Tanzania And Uganda
(2005)Lake Victoria is very important to the economies of the East African Community Partner States. The fishery has undergone major transformations since fish catches increased following establishment of Nile perch (Lates ... -
Private Sector Development Strategy for the Lake Victoria Basin
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2007)Global processes of economic and political liberalisation in the early nineties have dramatically changed the perceptions on the role and contribution of the private sector in economic and social development. In the ... -
Preparation of National / Regional Management Framework: Institutional Component for the Lake Victoria Basin Final National Report January 2007-Tanzania
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2007)Management.of Lake Basin depends on Institutions. Institutions administer the laws and establish the policies and rules and even incentives for management of the resources within the basin. They include traditional ... -
Natural Resources Interventions and Investments for the Lake Victoria Basin
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2006)The Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project Phase I The Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project Phase I (LVEMP I) was implemented in Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania since July 1997. The Project was executed by ... -
Preparation of National / Regional Management Framework: Institutional Component for the Lake Victoria Basin Final National Report January 2007
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2007)Management.of Lake Basin depends on Institutions. Institutions administer the laws and establish the policies and rules and even incentives for management of the resources within the basin. They include traditional ... -
Potential strategies to address fishers problems in Lake Victoria, Tanzania
(2005)Local fishing communities riparian to Lake Victoria in Tanzania have since time immemorial exploited and highly depended on the fisheries of the lake. However their living conditions have been deteriorating despite an ... -
Potential of fungal pathogens for biological control of water hyacinth
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2005)A survey of fungal pathogens of water hyacinth were under taken in lakes Victoria and Kyoga and River Nile in Uganda and several potential isolates including Alternaria eichhorniae (Nag Raj and Ponnappa), Cercospora sp. ... -
Potential impacts of Kirinya wetland in treating secondary municipal effluent from Jinja stabilisation ponds
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2004)Kirinya West wetland is located on northern shores of Lake Victoria in Jinja- Uganda. The wetland receives secondary treated effluent from the stabilisation ponds owned and operated by National Water and Sewerage ... -
Pollution loads into Lake Victoria from the Kenyan catchment
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2002)Lake Victoria has experienced eutrophication problems. This is attributable to pollution due to an expanding population, a rapidly developing technology, and increased industrial and food production. Pollution from ... -
Overview of Lake Victoria frame survey 2000 - Uganda
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2002)This paper gives observations made on the frame survey that was carried out on the Uganda part of Lake Victoria in March 2000. The paper highlights the major changes affecting fishing, fishing gears and facilities in the ... -
Nutrient input into Lake Victoria from Atmospheric Deposition: The Case of Phosphorus
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2002)Phosphorus input into lake Victoria from atmospheric deposition was estimated by setting two sampling stations: one in rural (Itumbili) and another in urban (Igogo) settings. Nutrient estimation from both wet and dry ... -
Economic development: natural resources interventions / investments component
(2007)This study has underscored the imperative obligation especially on the part of the riparian states Kenya, Uganda and Tanzania to develop the abundant natural resources in the LVB and its extensive catchment to realize the ... -
Natural occurrence and potential of pathogenic fungi for integrated management of water hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipes (Mart.) Solms-Laubach: Pontederiaceae, in Lake Victoria.
(School of Environmental Studies Moi University, 2002)These studies were conducted to determine the natural occurrence of pathogenic fungi assciated with water hyacinth in Lakes Victoria and Naivasha in Kenya. The aim was to investigate the potential of integrating some of ... -
Status report on Lake Victoria frame surveys for 2000, 2002 and 2004-Uganda
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2005)Lake Victoria is economically very important to the East African Partner States. The fishery has undergone major transformations since fish catches increased following establishment of Nile perch (Lates niloticus) and ... -
Status report on Lake Victoria frame surveys for 2000, 2002 and 2004-Tanzania
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2005)This is a report of the third simultaneous Frame Survey conducted on Lake Victoria on 27 - 30th April 2004. The survey was carried out simultaneously between the three partner states sharing Lake Victoria. It involved a ... -
Status report on Lake Victoria frame surveys for 2000, 2002 and 2004-Kenya
(Lake Victoria Environmental Management Project (LVEMP), 2005)Lake Victoria Frame Survey is a major activity under Statistical data collection systems of Fisheries Management Component of Lake Victoria Environment Management Program (LVEMP). It plays a vital role in the management ... -
Mara River Basin Transboundary Integrated Water Resources Management and Development Project Mara River Basin Monograph
(2008)The Mara River Basin is shared between Kenya and Tanzania and covers seven districts: Nakuru, Bomet, Narok, Transmara, Serengeti, Tarime, and Musoma Rural. The river has a catchment area of about 13,750 km2, with an upper ...