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Now showing items 1-7 of 7
Convention of Establishment
(LVFO, 2016)The Convention for the establishment of the Lake Victoria Fisheries Organization was signed on 30th June 1994 and entered into force on 24th May 1996. It was amended on 12th November, 1998 and on 29th January, 2016. -
Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA): Academic Staff Mobility Policy Framework
(2015-01)The Staff Exchange Programme is a strategic intervention for enhancing sharing of human resources among universities in the region, and for the promotion of regional integration. The Programme aims at strengthening ... -
Inter-University Council for East Africa (IUCEA): Toolkit for mainstreaming Gender & Rights Based Approach in response to HIV & AIDS in universities
(2012-04)The EAC/AMREF Lake Victoria Partnership (EALP) HIV&AIDS Programme conducted HIV Sero-behavioural studies in 18 universities, 8 agricultural plantations and 168 beach landing sites in the Lake Victoria Basin of Kenya, Uganda ... -
A Road map to Quality: Handbook for Quality Assurance in Higher Education
(Inter-University Council for East Africa, 2010)