Exercise report for cross border table top exercise: A fictitious outbreak of rift valley fever in Kenya and Tanzania.
Abstract/ Overview
The East African Community (EAC) Secretariat convened a cross-border Table Top Exercise (TTX) on 4-5 September 2018 at Mt. Meru Hotel, Arusha, Tanzania. The TTX is part of an ongoing programme of exercises implemented as part of the work plan decided by the Sectoral Council of Ministers of Health in March 2015. It directed the EAC Secretariat to conduct a cross-border simulation exercise at the Namanga border between the Republic of Kenya and the United Republic of Tanzania. In the same report, the Sectoral Council urged Partner States to establish and/or strengthen Port Health Services on the “One Health” approach at the Points of Entry (PoE). While the exercise focusses on Kenya and Tanzania, representatives from Burundi, Rwanda, South Sudan and Uganda were invited to participate actively in the simulation as observers.
Pages 117, with colored tables, photos, charts and maps. Includes Annexes
- Reports/Publications [133]