The East African Community Cotton Textiles Apparels Strategy and implementation Roadmap 2020-2030
Abstract/ Overview
The EAC Cotton, Textiles and Apparels Strategy and Implementation Roadmap (2020-2030) provides a framework for the rapid development and transformation of the cotton value chain through streamlined, coherent and coordinated region wide approaches that complement efforts by the EAC Partner States. The ultimate goal of the move is to transform the sector not only from producing and trading in raw materials, but also to finished value-added products. This would help to retain value and stimulate sector transformation for developmental impact in employment, income, poverty reduction, industrial and trade integration in intra- and extra-EAC Region, in line with the EAC Industrialisation Policy and Strategy (2012-2032).
Pages. 68, Col. photos, graphs, charts and tables. Includes Annexes and References