The East African Community Food and Nutrition Security Action Plan 2019-2023
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Abstract/ Overview
This second phase of the action plan is aligned to the Food and Nutrition Security Strategy 2019-2023. It proposes actions that cover all dimensions of food and nutrition security as was in the first phase that is; food availability, access, utilization and stability. In addition, the emerging issues and trends that impact on food security in the region have also been taken into account. Some of the emerging issues of importance include; effects of climate change, urbanization, rapid population growth, increased focus on nutrition and diets, changing food systems that are putting emphasis on food safety, natural resource management, conflict and insecurity among others. During the implementation there will be efforts to leverage some of the activities being spearheaded by other regional economic communities and development partners.
Food and NutritionNotes
Pages: 1 - 72. Includes tables and graphs