dc.description.abstract | Studies were conducted in Lake Baringo between May 1994 and April 1995 to map
temporal changes in productivity (phytoplankton standing stock) and attempt to relate
these changes to environmental parameters in this ecosystem. Fourteen phytoplankton
genera were recorded and described. Blue green algae (Cyanophyta) were the most
dominant contributing 90.89% of the total biomass followed by green algaeChlorophyta
(9.08%) and finally by diatoms - Bacillariophyta (1.23%). Seasonal
changes were observed for the three major plant nutrients. Soluble reactive
phosphorous (P04-P) ranged from 3.75 to 1l21lgP/I. Nitrate nitrogen (NOJ-N) ranged
from 1- 110 Ilg Nil and finally the values for dissolved silica (SiOz) ranged from 2.1
- 20.5 mg SiOl!. Secchi disc depth ranged from 0.04-0.06 m. The study further
observed that phytoplankton productivity in this ecosystem is limited by the high
level of suspended silt, except for the dominant phytoplankton Microcystis aeruginosa
(Kutz.) Kutz., which regulates its buoyancy by forming vacuoles, while other algal
species sink out of the euphotic zone. Results obtained in this study show that the
lake is undergoing drastic eutrophication resulting in deterioration of the water quality,
frequent algal blooms, decreased fish yields and subsequently reduced income to the
local communities. The eutrophication ofthe lake is further aggravated by unchecked
damming and diversion of rivers flowing into the lake coupled with long spells of
drought being experienced in the area and an increasing human and livestock population | en_US |