Now showing items 1-6 of 6
East African Community Child Policy (2016)
(EAC, 2017)
The EAC Treaty (Article 120 (c)) calls upon Partner States to develop and adopt a common approach towards marginalised groups including children. ¬is undertaking is anchored by the EAC’s commitment to the principle of good ...
Disposal and alternative use of Aflatoxin contaminated food.
(EAC, 2018-04)
Agricultural commodities, including maize, groundnuts, and cassava, milk, and cotton seed contaminated with aflatoxin pose serious threat to human and animal health, and to the economies of the EAC Partner States. It is, ...
East African Food and Nutrition Security Policy
(EAC, 2016-09-05)
The FNSP helps the region to implement the provisions of the EAC Treaty (1999) Chapter 18 Article 110 which states: “Harmonize food supply, nutrition and food security policies and strategies” relating to stimulating ...
Impact of Aflatoxin exposure to children during the first 1000 days of life.
(EAC, 2018-04)
The most vulnerable group of population is exposed to Aflatoxin within the 1000 days of life from conception to child's second birthday. This population group is highly affected because their body systems have not fully ...
Use of Biocontrol for Aflatoxin Prevention and Control in the EAC
(EAC, 2018-04)
The main cause of high level of contamination includes limited use of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) such as use of drought and insect resistant varieties, the application of inputs to ensure plant health, the timely ...