End of strategic plan evaluation for the EAC HIV and AIDs programme, 2008 - 2015 report.
Abstract/ Overview
This evaluation report describes the findings of the implementation during the period 2008- 2012 and 2012-2015. The results are described under the different strategic objectives for each of the evaluation period. The evaluation was a highly consultative and participatory process. The consultant reviewed implementation reports including; programme progress reports, commissioned study reports, implementation reports for the Regional CSO partners like Eastern Africa Network of National AIDS Service Organizations (EANNASO), International Organization for Migration (IOM), FHI 360, and North Star Alliance (NSA), resolutions of EAC/ ICP Joint Steering Committee reports, minutes of the Council of Ministers of health and the TWGs on Health, HIV and AIDS. Partner States consultations were conducted to further understand the information that was provided by the few Experts that responded to the evaluation questionnaire. The findings were validated during the 18th TWG on HIV/AIDS TB and STIs that was held from 9th to 11th May 2016 at Nairobi Safari Club. It was attended by Partner States experts, regional IPs (North Star Alliance, East African Health Platform, Kenya AIDS Consortium, and Eastern Africa Network of National AIDS Service Organizations (EANNASO) representatives from development partners(including United States Agency for International Development-FHI 360, International Organization for Migration, United Nations Development Programme Regional Office, International AIDS Vaccine Initiative, East, Central and Southern Africa Health Community (ECSA)and EAC technical staff.
Pages x, 96. with colored tables, photos. Includes footnotes, references and annexes.