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dc.descriptionPages 2, Colored Pictures. Includes bibliographic references.en
dc.description.abstractThe main cause of high level of contamination includes limited use of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs) such as use of drought and insect resistant varieties, the application of inputs to ensure plant health, the timely harvesting of crops, appropriate drying methods to discourage the growth of fungi and bacteria, storage conditions to preserve quality and integrity, and the use of innovative technologies such as biological control. Biocontrol is a component of GAPs that uses non-toxic types of fungus to inhibit the growth of the toxic fungus and its Aflatoxin production. Biocontrol is able to reduce Aflatoxin contamination in maize and groundnuts from 80 to 90 percent. Despite the benefits of biocontrol, there is inadequate capacity (human resources, infrastructure, regulatory framework and market incentives) to enable the uptake and scale up of the technology. In addition, the existing GAPs do not integrate adequately Aflatoxin prevention and control. To resolve the problem of Aflatoxin contamination in field, the East Africa region should promote the use of biocontrol as part of the GAPs. In addition, the EAC region should facilitate research and promote the production, trade and marketing for biocontrol products. Biocontrol is sustainable, cost effective and environmentally safe method that could significantly reduce Aflatoxin contamination levels along the value chain of susceptible cropsen
dc.description.sponsorshipThis policy brief was produced by the East African Community based on Technical Papers Developed under the EAC Aflatoxin Prevention and Control Project funded by USAID East Africa Regional Economic Integration Office with technical backstopping from the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA).en
dc.relation.ispartofseriesEAC Policy Brief of Aflatoxin Prevention and Control;No. 5, 2018
dc.titleUse of Biocontrol for Aflatoxin Prevention and Control in the EACen

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