Now showing items 1-10 of 10

    • EAC Trade and Investment Report 2015 

      (EAC, 2016)
      This EAC Trade Report presents the status and analysis of the trade and investment sectors of the five Partner States in the context of the global trade and investment performance in 2015 as well as an analysis of the ...
    • EAC Trade and Investment report 2016: linking EAC to the global economy 

      EAC (EAC, 2017-08)
      The annual EAC Trade and Investment Report is a critical tool to facilitate informed decision making by Partner States and other stakeholders on trade and investment matters in the East Africa Community and strategies to ...
    • EAC Trade and Investment Report 2017: Accelerating Market-Driven Integration 

      EAC (EAC, 2018)
      The annual EAC Trade and Investment Report is a critical tool to facilitate informed decision making by Partner States and other stakeholders on trade and investment matters in the East African Community. It also facilitates ...
    • EAC Trade and Investment Report 2018: Maximizing Benefits of Regional Integration 

      EAC; East African Community (East African Community, 7/20/2019)
      This report provides a detailed analysis of the trends for the year and synthesise the prospects for enhancement of trade and investment in the region. The aim is to provide a platform for stakeholders, academics and policy ...
    • EAC Trade and Investment Report 2018: Maximizing Benefits of Regional Integration 

      EAC (EAC, 2019-11)
      This Report provides a comprehensive analysis of trends in Trade and Investment in the region and with the rest of the world. Specifically, the Report portrays the dynamics of the intra-EAC trade in 2018. The Report also ...
    • EAC Trade and Investment Report 2018: Maximizing Benefits of Regional Integration. 

      EAC (EAC, 2019)
      The Trade and Investment Report 2018 focuses on market-driven integration as the driver of economic development and growth. Trade and investment are important drivers of productivity; employment generation; and access to ...
    • EAC Trade and Investment Report 2020 

      EAC (EAC, 2022)
      Content. Chapter 1: Brief overview of the EAC, Chapter 2: Trade in goods in the EAC: Trends & Prospects, Chapter 3: Trade in Services in the EAC, Chapter 4: Conclusion and Recommendations
    • EAC Trade Report 2014 

      EAC (EAC, 2015)
      The 2014 EAC Trade report presents detailed analysis of trade flows within the Community and between EAC and other regional blocs. The data will be of great importance as EAC embarks on finalization of tariff offers under ...
    • East African Community Tourism Marketing Strategy 2021-2025 

      EAC (EAC, 2020)
      The East African Community Tourism Marketing Strategy for the period 2021 -2025 outlines broad strategic objectives to be pursued as well as the priority actions to be undertaken during the period. This Strategy recognizes ...
    • Trade Report 2012 

      EAC (EAC, 2013)
      This year’s EAC Trade Report provides an in-depth analysis of macroeconomic performance of the world and regional economies. The report further analyzes the EAC status in the context of the overall global performance and ...